Monday, August 6, 2012

Back to School means Back to Lessons!

August means the end of summer and the beginning a brand new school year for the kiddies.  New books, new friends and best of all new knowledge!  Learning is a gift and we should take advantage of every opportunity we have to expand our knowledge.  Why not use the start of the 2012 School year to jump start your music career?  Or to expand your understanding of an instrument??

Learning to play an instrument can do many things like increase your IQ, improve time management skills, increase self confidence and creativity, expand memory capacity and most importantly it can promote happiness.  Who couldn't use a little help with their memory??  Music has a multitude of benefits, the first step is getting started. You can become a musician at any age, all it takes is a little courage.

The Internet is a valuable tool that can give you loads of information about any subject under the sun.  Take this blog for example, we try to give you useful or thought provoking information that will hopefully help you in some way, or simply entertain you.  The Internet can also be used to teach you to play an instrument.  This is a good way to get started, but to really be accomplished and have an in depth understanding of how it should look, sound and feel to play the instrument you need one on one instruction.  A video on the Internet can't critique how your fingers move or encourage you quite the way a real live person can.  There are plenty of accomplished musicians out there willing to share their knowledge, take advantage of it!!

We offer a fantastic lessons program here at Capo's.  Our instructors offer flexible hours, reasonable rates and a wide variety of skills to accommodate most styles.  We have some of the most talented instructors in the region with loads of skills and experience to help you become the best player you can be.  For more information on our lessons program call the store at 276-525-1880 or see our website for details.