Each year about this time we are bombarded by love. Love on t.v., love in movies, love in commercials, love in print. It's everywhere. Love is grand, don't get me wrong. But there are different types of love. Some can be expressed with chocolate and flowers, others through the different means. We are blessed here at Capo's to see expressions of love every day from parents to kids, spouses, partners and friends. But the love that gets to me again and again is the undying love of music that we see come alive in young and old alike.
Every day when we open the store is quiet. We start the music playing and wait for the first customers to come in. Every day, people come and go through the store. They pick up the instruments of their choice and everyday someone falls in love. It may be a Weber mandolin that speaks to them, it might be a Savannah, but everyday someone finds an instrument that speaks to them on a deeper level. It may be the first time they have played or they may be a professional level player but that doesn't matter. When you find that instrument that speaks to you, that gives love back the only way it knows how, then you have made a connection that lasts.
They may ask to take this new found love home, they may leave it for another day, but those connections are made daily.
From these connections, ones made here and elsewhere comes music. One of the favorite times of the week at the store is the Saturday night jam. Every Saturday starting at about 6:30 musicians gather to share the love. Young and old, novice players and pros sit around a circle and for about three hours or so share in the communal experience of love that is music. Come join in the love anytime you have a free Saturday night. Bring someone you love with you. Or, fall in love with something new here at Capo's.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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